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What is the IDEAS Rating?

This is a brief overview. A detailed description will follow when our new URL is ready under!   (German: For questions contact

AidRating is a public discussion tool to enhance transparency and comparability of development cooperation work (update May 2008/June 2014)

Our technical rationale is based on the hypothesis that any project activity will have an impact on the social, economic, and environmental setting of a community, and that a good project will attempt to maximize positive impact on one or more of these, and to minimize negative impact on the same.      
The policy-related rationale is that any measure of any institution to improve relevant performance is incomplete without 
a) a public and independent discourse on what “is relevant” and
b) related public accountability.            
The IDEAS rating procedure is designed to combine both, and to enhance awareness among a wide public. 
In addition, the standardized modular rating procedure allows transparent benchmarking.

IDEAS offers a tool which is designed to appraise development cooperation projects with intended long term impact, and their combinations, in a standardized way. This is done by applying a standard rating procedure with modules for single-objective and complex projects expressing the rating results both in a descriptive and a numeric part. The former allows to include qualitative considerations and aspects not otherwise covered, the latter is essential to use it as a tool for comparison of similar projects, project groups, and even organizations, i.e., as tool for benchmarking.                   
The concept includes three main rating modules: Project performance, intervention risk, and project/organizational transparency. In an overview, policy in reference to risks, transparency and performance of an organization can also be rated.

Project performance is expressed in all ratings by scoring specific elements of social sustainability, cultural adaptability, economic sustainability, and project management. Depending on the project objective, a score with elements on public life sustainability, and ecosystems or ecological sustainability is added.      
Intervention risk is an “intermediate” assessment between actual project and the organisation’s other activities. It focuses on questions how chances and risks are seen for a project or programme in a specific country, or in a specific region of such a country.. It may be linked to one or more project rating(s), or to a rating on general transparency of an organization’s activities.                                                              
Transparency is expressed through the rating of availability and reliability of data on the respective mentioned elements. This allows to rate both projects on which information is readily available (favourable transparency rating) and projects on which institutions or project managements are tight-lipped (less favourable transparency rating). The rating can be applied in any project stage, the only precondition being availability of information. It can therefore be used as ex ante planning, monitoring, and ex post appraisal tool.                       
The rating can be result of anything between a pure desk exercise to a detailed field study. Of course, reliability grows with the latter. The rating is designed as a tool to standardize the way projects are looked at and thus allows policy dialogue and comparisons. It should not be confounded with an intention to standardize projects as such, as the individuality of any project is respected and taken into account.

The concept is designed as an internet-based tool for wide use and discussion. Access, public discourse on the modalities of this framework, and transparency rating are expected to contribute to better quality of project design and execution, better monitoring and accountability, and to comparability among projects.

IDEAS is an NGO with the objective to contribute to better quality and transparency of development cooperation. IDEAS was founded in Switzerland in 1994 as association.

© IDEAS, 2001-2008

Independent Development Experts Association